Sunday, 14 November 2010

What's your definition of Pedagogy?

Hi all,
Further to our discussion with Nigel, I now pose the question of a definition for Pedagogy? Needless to say there isn't one clear definition out there in the ether, but there are simular themes. The general theme is that Pedagogy is the art and science of how something is taught and how students learn it.

My own interpretation is that pedagogy includes how the teaching occurs, the approach to teaching and learning, the way the content is delivered and what the students learn as a result of the process, in other words to give learners links (help and guidance) to be able to take the learning further on their own.

What's your definition?

The following are just a few links for definitions of pedagogy:


  1. Pedagogy is the the art and science of how something is taught and how students learn it. Pedagogy includes how the teaching occurs, the approach to teaching and learning, the way the content is delivered and what the students learn as a result of the process.

  2. Couldn't find a better way of defining padagogy. It is more of less the same definition as yours.
