Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Literature sources discussed online on Tuesday 30th November

As promised...

Terry Mayes - JISC e-Learning Models Desk Study - Learner-centred pedagogy: Individual differences between learners - http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/Stage%202%20Learning%20Styles%20(Version%201).pdf

Fowler, C and Mayes, T - JISC e-Learning Models Desk Study - Stage 2: Mapping Theory to Practice and Practice to Tool functionality based on the Practitioners' perspective - http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/Stage%202%20Mapping%20(Version%201).pdf

Britain and Liber - A Framework for the Pedagogical Evaluation of VLEs - http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/jtap/jtap-041.pdf

Diana Laurillard - Digital Technologies and their role in achieving out ambitions for education - ww.ioe.ac.uk/publications (2008)

BECTA - Harnessing Technology: Next Generation Learning - www.becta.org.uk (2008)

Hope you find these of use

Sunday, 14 November 2010

What's your definition of Pedagogy?

Hi all,
Further to our discussion with Nigel, I now pose the question of a definition for Pedagogy? Needless to say there isn't one clear definition out there in the ether, but there are simular themes. The general theme is that Pedagogy is the art and science of how something is taught and how students learn it.

My own interpretation is that pedagogy includes how the teaching occurs, the approach to teaching and learning, the way the content is delivered and what the students learn as a result of the process, in other words to give learners links (help and guidance) to be able to take the learning further on their own.

What's your definition?

The following are just a few links for definitions of pedagogy:





Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Useful links

Hi all,

As promised here are some links that you might find useful in guiding your work on this module.

Panel discussion from ALT (Association for Learning Technology) 2010 (includes Prof John Cook, LTRI @ London Met) -

You may want to skip through parts of this. The intro is quite long before they get into some interesting ideas.

Study of UK Online Learning - v recent

Deep Learning Design - paper by London Met's Prof Andrew Ravenscroft -

ALT/eLN lunchtime webinars
Gilly Salmon will presenting the next FREE lunchtime webinar on 6th Dec -

More information and link to booking form available from link provided.

Please post your comments and reflections on these links to this blog.
See you next week (9th November).